Selection and advice about building products for a better world.

People I trust

I help people choose building materials and products for their sustainable home, anywhere in Australia. These are some of the experts I rely on for stuff that's out of my scope.


I'm proud to be a supporter of the organisations and small businesses listed on this page. These are people I know and trust to do the right thing for their members/clients and the earth.


Renew produces Sanctuary and Renew magazines, and does a raft of advocacy, technical and policy research work. They're a great source of information, ideas and inspiration.

Friends of the Earth is Australia's most grass-roots, down to earth environmental organisation. It challenges the very underpinnings of our economic and political systems, and works towards environmentally sustainable and socially just communities. I'm professionally indebted to the various campaigners who've informed my thinking on timber, plastics and nano technology. I'm also personally grateful for the work of hundreds of FoE activists who've mobilised in so many campaigns over more than four decades. Oh, and if you're looking for nude food, the FoE Food Co-op is still your number one place to shop. Please consider becoming a member and/or a donor.

Services and suppliers

Preparing to renovate or build

Amelia Lee at Undercover Architect has produced this award-winning online resource that can prepare you to participate meaningfully in the process of designing and building your new home, renovation or extension. Check out this for starters.

Insulation & draughtproofing

I've seen some really bodgy installation jobs over the years. Enviroflex have impressed me for their thoroughness and commitment to quality products and installation. Don’t get cowboys, get Enviroflex.

DIY insulation & draughtproofing products

The right products and practical installation tips make insulation and draught proofing so much easier. EcoMaster provide these and much more. It actually matters to them whether their products achieve what they're supposed to.

Solar systems, heat pumps & batteries

Tim at SolarFlow is my neighbour and friend. His knowledge of systems and products is top notch and I see the care he puts into responding quickly and attentively to clients' needs. 

Going Green around the house

There are many online stores selling "green" products and only some are the real deal. Lucinda and Sean have been running Going Green Solutions for years now and have become experts in sifting through greenwash to find products that really do have a lower environmental impact. They specialise in biodegradable catering ware (retail and wholesale) and office supplies, and also sell a huge range of household items via their online store.

Lucinda also does home energy efficiency assessments.